Bunjalung & Nightcap National Park NSW - Concept Design & Masterplan 2016 / Project in Progress
In Association with Fisher Design & Architecture
Client: NPWS Northern Rivers
In 2016 National Parks and Wildlife engaged Mackenzie Pronk Architects to undertake a concept design and masterplan exercise for facilities across four sites in the Bunjalung & Nightcap National Parks. The project brief was to develop and enhance visitor experiences and maximise their potential as iconic eco-tourism destinations. The brief included expansion of accommodation, replacement of infrastructure including pathways, lookouts, signage and camping facilities through to identifying opportunities for incorporation of interpretive sites and way-finding across the parks. The design work included re-planning of 3 campgrounds, new iconic lookout structures and trailhead sites. The design work was all guided by sustainable principles, respect for the ecological sensitivity of the sites, sites histories and respect for the indigenous cultures.